I am engaged by patients in the same conversation every day…
Patient - “My tooth broke when I was eating and I need you to fix it.”
Doctor - “When was the last time you had a teeth cleaning?”
Doctor - “When was the last time you had a teeth cleaning?”
Patient - “I didn’t say I needed a cleaning. I said it broke WHEN I
Your Oral and Gum Health is the Number 1 Factor When it Comes to Dental Concerns and Problems!
Getting Teeth Restored When You Need Gum Treatment Will Cause Major Problems with the Restorations. Crowns and Bridges will Not Fit Properly and will Have to be Replaced Sooner than Expected if Gum Disease is Not Treated.
Q: Why can’t I just get a regular cleaning now and do the gum treatment when I am ready or can better afford it? Isn’t some treatment better than NO treatment?
With periodontal disease, your gums are detached from your teeth and the space in between gum and tooth has gotten wider and deeper over time, and without professional cleanings. You currently have hard calculus and build up in those spaces or “pockets” which we’ve explained needs to be removed immediately but cannot be done without performing the Scaling and Root Planning procedure.
Risks of Having a “Regular” Teeth Cleaning When Gum Treatment is Needed:
- If you were to ignore the recommendation of gum treatment and insist on receiving a standard teeth cleaning, any build-up and tartar on the surface of the teeth will be “knocked-off” and spread around, ultimately settling into the deep spaces or “pockets” you have where your gums have pulled away from the teeth.
- An abscess could form from the over-accumulation of bacteria beneath the gum line, causing isolated swelling and intense pain that ricochets throughout the mouth. If an abscess is not medically treated right away, the infection could spread throughout the body and most concerning to the heart.
- Another risk of performing a standard cleaning when a patient needs gum treatment is the irritation that could occur from treating a condition without the proper anesthetic, technique, instruments, machinery and medications. Simple brushing and polishing around already inflamed, irritated and highly reactive gums will be painful and cause unnecessary bleeding and/or tissue lacerations.
Q: I saw a dentist just 1 or 2 years ago and they didn’t tell me there was any concern regarding my gums. I brush and floss at home. How could this condition develop since then?
- At minimum, and without gum disease, you should be seeing your dentist twice a year for hygiene care. That COMBINED with proper home care, which involves DAILY flossing and brushing, is usually the formula to healthy gums.
- Some people are predisposed to gingivitis, gum recession and bone-loss but periodontal disease usually stems from not following THE formula.
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